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Show Dates
FEB 20: Fitzgeralds Side Bar Berwyn, 7pm
FEB 23: Sketchbook Brewing Skokie, 4pm
MAR 8: Madame ZuZu's Highland Park (songwriters in the round (duo), 3pm
MAR 15: Rookies Rochaus West Dundee, 6:30pm
MAR 19: Tavern on the Glen Glenview, 6:30pm (duo)
APRIL 4: Whiskey River Glenview, 8pm
APRIL: 25: Bub City Rosemont, 9:30pm
APR 27: Art Makers Outpost Evanston, 7pm (duo)
MAY 3: Madame ZuZu's Highland Park, 11am (duo)
JUNE 22: Summer Concert Series Deerfield, 5:30pm
JULY 8: Summer Concert Series Northbrook, 5:30pm
JULY 12: Mickey Finns Libertyville, 9:00pm
AUG 6: Northfield Market & Music Northfield, 6:30pm
OCT 11: Tin Roof Chicago, 7:00pm
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